Letters to the Times today:
Sir, The British Medical Association has a variety of roles including acting as a trade union for doctors and producing a weekly medical journal that publishes rigorously evaluated research. One may take a view about the recent strikes, which have pitted the welfare of junior doctors against the smooth running of the NHS. Today, to my astonishment I read that the BMA has voted to oppose the findings of the Cass report and to try to reintroduce the prescribing of hormone blockers to children (news, Aug 1). The Cass report finally brought scientific rigour to the highly politicised and toxic debate on this matter. For the BMA to dismiss science in favour of wokery is an absolute disgrace. I have resigned my membership after 42 years and expect that many others will do the same.
Dawn Black
Consultant psychiatrist, London NW11
Sir, The British Medical Association has revealed its true colours with its decision to oppose implementation of the Cass review on puberty blockers. The BMA’s leaders are a self-serving bunch of political activists who happen to be doctors. In reality, the BMA is just another trade union and should stick to its core role of trying to improve our working conditions.
The BMA says that it intends to carry out an evaluation of the Cass review but it is not a scientific body like the National Institute for Health and Care Research or the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. We should ignore anything that the BMA has to say about this matter and I would urge all members who believe in evidence-based medicine to cancel their membership, especially if they want to protect children from these quacks.
Professor Jonathan Beard
Consultant vascular surgeon, Sheffield