After the fall of the Tavistock, will Mermaids be next?
Seriously. If this isn't the time for a no-holds barred journalistic dive into the totally amoral, ideologically bonkers racket that is Mermaids, I don't know what is. They held the Tavistock ransom for years. They are still going. They are crazy. Children's bodies are at stake.
— Kathleen Stock (@Docstockk) July 28, 2022
Shay Woulahan at Reduxx:
Many blame Mermaids for putting pressure on NHS staff to prescribe puberty blockers and cross sex hormones to children with gender confusion....
Sue and Marcus Evans were two of multiple whistleblowers who raised concerns about Tavistock’s GIDS. In an interview, Marcus Evans, a Psychoanalyst and formerly a Consultant Psychotherapist and Associate Clinical Director of Adult and Adolescent Service at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, explained the close relationship between Mermaids and the clinic. Evans described the relationship as “unusually close” which “interfered with the ordinary clinical environment.”
One former clinician at Tavistock also said that the narrative from Mermaid was “everywhere [within the service],” continuing: “Mermaids are always saying this is a matter of life and death. ‘Would you rather an alive boy or a dead girl?'” ...
Dr. Marci Bowers, a leading sex reassignment surgeon, admitted that children who are put on puberty blockers and who later go on to cross sex hormones will never be able to achieve an orgasm as adults if they had not done so prior to starting their hormone treatment.
Hormone blocking treatment is also said to prevent a persons genitals from developing, leaving them with stunted sex organs. For boys, this makes future genital reassignment surgeries more complex, something the CEO of Mermaids, Susie Green admitted had affected her own son in a 2012 documentary.
“There wasn’t much there to work with,” Green said in reference to her son’s vaginoplasty.
Green had taken her son to America for “puberty blockers” before they were legal in the UK. When he was 16, she took him to Thailand for sex reassignment surgery due to it having been illegal in the United Kingdom for minors.
While Green insists her son’s transition was his choice, a Ted Talk Green gave in 2017 has some LGB activists concerned as she seemed to suggest her son had been put through a form of conversion therapy.
During the presentation, Green confessed that her now ex-husband had disciplined her son for playing with toys associated with girls as a toddler.
“Jack’s dad did not approve of our child’s effeminate behavior,” she explained, “Then all the “girl toys” or “girly toys” as such were taken away and put away, and Jack was made aware that this was not appropriate. And suddenly, a confident, happy little boy became quite quiet, withdrawn, very clingy, and tearful.” She continued. Shortly after, her son began to say he wanted to be a girl.
In other words her husband didn't like the effeminate ways of their son, so they put him on hormones, then took him to Thailand to be castrated. There could hardly be a clearer case of homophobia. Yet somehow this woman - and her organisation, Mermaids - have been almost universally lauded and allowed to influence government policy, most notably at the Tavistock.
It is known that Green held regular meetings with GIDS senior management, and campaigned for puberty blockers to be prescribed, and for Mermaids to be advertised as a recommended resource on the GIDS website. Green was also listed as a contributor to the development of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care guidelines on children despite having no clinical qualifications. A two-part Reduxx investigation conducted in May found that the WPATH guidelines were also influenced by pedophilic castration fetishists.
As well as recommending medicalization to children and their families, Mermaids has also been found to have referred youth to a private healthcare service — GenderGP.
Dr. Michael Webberley of GenderGP was recently found guilty of recklessly prescribing puberty blockers and cross sex hormones to patients as young as 9....
Currently, Mermaids is in the process of suing the United Kingdom’s charity commission for awarding charitable status to LGB Alliance, an organization centered on advocating for the rights of same-sex attracted people.
Crowdsourcing the effort, Mermaids has raised over £73,000 to fund the legal campaign. LGB Alliance and Mermaids differ ideologically on their position about the correct pathway for children with gender dysphoria. LGB Alliance advocates have asserted that many gay people display gender nonconformity as youth. They state that medicalising children with gender dysphoria is a form of gay conversion therapy.
“It’s a scandal that the majority of young people referred to gender clinics and subsequently prescribed puberty blockers are same-sex attracted. This is homophobic in the extreme and must be tackled. There has been a 4,000% increase in the number of girls referred to clinics and we want the government to consider how social contagion, the influence of the pharma industry and homophobia is persuading children, many of them girls, that their same-sex attraction is a sign that they must ‘really’ be boys.” LGB Alliance state on their website as part of their “Gay teens aren’t sick” campaign. ...
With the closure of Tavistock’s gender identity service, Dr. Cass recommended the creation of a network of regional services to provide care and support, a recommendation accepted by the NHS.
Although many celebrate the news of the closure, others worry that political lobby groups like Mermaids will infiltrate and influence any new services established to treat children experiencing distress with their sex.