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April 28, 2020



I'm worried they're using it as a stunt. A. they could be trying to "mess with the West's head". In a few days time Kimi would appear alive and well and say that he has spend a few days in the world of the gods of whatever but cared about his people too much so he returned to rule over them.

Mick H

No, they don't do that kind of mystical bullshit. Other kinds of bullshit, yes - but not that kind.

John the Drunkard

Just how is a video 'circulating' in a state like North Korea?

Mick H

Quite a few homes have video players, I believe. Hence all the fuss about illicit South Korean TV and films circulating..


Wasn't the thing with the horse kind of mystical?

Mick H

Going up Mt Paektu on horseback? Yes, there's all kinds of symbolism attached to that, aimed at bolstering the image of the Kim family. There's also the symbol of Chollima, the flying horse, which is supposed to represent heroism, and the constant, fighting spirit of the Korean people. The masses are told constantly that North Korea is advancing at the "speed of Chollima".

But it's not mystical in the sense of being other-worldly. There are no gods other than the Kims themselves.


Thanks for clarifying.

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