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November 26, 2013


Ralph Musgrave

The Dantridge drivel is an example of a much more pervasive problem, namely that the more responsible the job someone holds, the more politically correct they are. Presumably that's because in 2013 Britain, as in Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia, your job is at risk if you don't hold the "correct" political views.

As for joining the BNP, anyone with a responsible job who did that would need their head looking into.


"Should a Nazi speaker's demands to have Jews separated out (but of course not at the back, now that would be discriminatory) be accommodated?"

Exactly the example I was having in mind while I was reading.


There seems to be a sense among Muslims (usual hiccup here, not all Muslims, just a few) that non-believers must pay a kind of respect to sharia law and othe such customs, even if they don't obey it. All of this just confirms that sense.

Churm Rincewind

I'm not sure what you mean by "condoning gender segregation". Both Islam and Judaism promote gender separation in places of worship. Yet mosques and synagogues exist in the UK and we don't generally object to their presence in our communities.

So are you saying that it's OK to accept gender segregation in some situations but not others?

Mick H

Yes. It's universities we're talking about. Regrettable things may - and as far as I'm concerned do - happen in places of worship. We can't stop that, though we may criticise. State-funded places of higher education are a different matter altogether.

Churm Rincewind?? Really?

Churm Rincewind

MH - Thanks for your reply, and I'd broadly agree, though the point I was trying to illustrate is that the situation is far more nuanced than has been made out.

A poster on the blog you cite remarks, "If your religious beliefs require that you don't interact with a large segment of the population, then the sensible thing to do is stay home." Well of course that is frequently what happens in the UK, and is why so many British girls and young women are denied (or deny themselves) full access to the educational system. This is not a situation which I can view with the complacency implied in this post (and many others on the same site).

I wonder, too, whether you would extend your position to state-funded places of primary and secondary education? Though hard facts are hard to come by, there seems to be no doubt that when push comes to shove the only way secondary schools can provide their pupils equality of access to the full range of the curriculum is to condone gender segregation at least in specific areas of activity - the egregious example being sports and exercise, and swimming lessons in particular. Birmingham City Council's "shared practical guidance" on "Improving Participation of Muslim Girls in Physical Education and School Sport" from as long as 2008 notes that the provision of "all-female environments where requested by parents and schools...has proved highly successful in enabling Muslim children to learn to swim". Is this policy of gender segregation for predominantly religious reasons in the state-funded education sector something you would support or condemn?

Finally, no, my genuine name is not Churm Rincewind. My real name is Bogus, Your Excellency.

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