Hans Blix has an exclusive interview in the New Statesman on the subject: How do we stop Iran getting the bomb? (via).
For a start he's not persuaded that they want the bomb:
It is possible - but is denied by Iran and not evident to me - that there is a determination to make a nuclear weapon.
OK then, but assuming that they might conceivably go down that path, what's the next step? Fortunately our man sees a solution. Obvious really. Get Israel to disarm:
To many, the idea of an agreement between the parties in the Middle East - including Israel and Iran - to renounce not only the possession, acquisition or development of weapons of mass destruction, but also the means of their production, might seem very remote. It does not seem far-fetched to me.
It would, to be sure, call for many difficult arrangements, including verification going beyond IAEA safeguards, as well as outside security guarantees and assurances of supply of nuclear fuel for civilian reactors. It would require that Israel give up its nuclear weapons, stocks of fissile material and capability to produce enriched uranium or plutonium. It would require Iran to do away with its enrichment plants and a number of other installations. All states in the zone would agree between themselves not to acquire or develop capabilities for the enrichment of uranium or production of plutonium.
Brilliant. So finally we have the definitive answer to the question that's been hanging in the air ever since the row over Saddam's WMDs. Yes, Hans Blix is an idiot.