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January 29, 2012



Watson sounds like Dr. Marvin Monroe off "The Simpsons". Here he is describing his special "Monroe Box" to Grampa:

Monroe: It's a special isolation chamber. The subject pulls levers to receive food and water. The floor can become electrified, and showers of icy water randomly fall on the subject. I call it...the Monroe Box!

Grampa: Uh huh. Sounds interesting. How much will it cost to build?

Monroe: Oh, that's the beauty part! It's already built! I need the money to buy a baby to raise in the box until the age of thirty.

Grampa: What are you trying to prove?

Monroe: Well, my theory is that the subject will be socially maladjusted and will harbour a deep resentment towards me.

Grampa: Hmm. Interesting.

Mick H

Yep, that's Watson. Probably could be any number of psychologists, mind...


I'm not sure if you know about the Monster Study from Iowa. Has a little bit of a special meaning for me.


Mick H

No, that's new to me. Horrible. Add it to the list...

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