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December 18, 2009



No surprise that the Christian sect that is obsessed with sex (virginity, celibacy, monks/nuns, and let's not forget choirboys...)would be the one most offended with the idea of Mary and Joseph, you know, making the beast with two humps.

Stephen Stratford

There is a follow-up story at http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10616853: "An Auckland Anglican priest has decided not to press charges against a woman who slashed a controversial billboard outside his church... Archdeacon Cardy said he had no regrets about the billboard and the debate that it provoked. 'We are glad that discussion about Santa, food, and present-buying was momentarily usurped by a discussion about Jesus'."

My impression of Archdeacon Cardy, who was for a while my local vicar, is that he was instead glad that discussion about Santa, food and present-buying was momentarily usurped by a discussion about himself.


What a pathetic excuse the Archdeacon Glynn Cardy, had, he said that it was to challenge literal interpretations of the Bible and engage non-believers before Christmas. To use two pathetic looking people in bed is sick.

Either you believe in it all or nothing, as who is doing to decide what is literal and what is not, that would cause the bible to be open to one horrific distortions..
This would cause any sensible person to run in the other direction Glynn and I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would think that it would attract non Christians to want to discuss it.. goodness I DO believe that Jesus is whom he said he was and it turns me off..

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