"After you read the suggested books, you will know the truth, and you will be greatly shocked by the scale of concealment that has been exercised on you.”
It's (supposedly) the voice of Osama Bin Laden, speaking from a cave somewhere in Pakistan or Afghanistan, in his latest communique, "An address to the American people".
When the Israeli army can shoot Palestinian children in the head in their own homes and foreign journalists in high visibility clothing, blow up entire Palestinian families picnicing on beaches, carpet bomb Lebanon so widely and indiscriminately that the land is not safe to tread for fear of stepping on unexploded Israeli bomblets, commit the mass theft of Palestinian homes and land for their own ends, then ghetto-ise their remaining population by witholding food and electicity [sic], all under the 'anti-terrorism' banner, all with the express backing of the Israel Lobby in America, books like these need to be written.
Amongst Amazon's 4 star reviews:
"SmokeNMirrors (London)
5 of 8 people found the following review helpful
The analysis is generally pro-"Establishment" and is therefore all the more damning because of that. The tone sometimes verges on the sycophantic as the authors seek to anticipate the usual hackneyed charges of anti-Semitism and head them off at the pass, and I disagree with many of the authors observations and assertions. As one example, they mention the Protocols of Zion and it's status as a well-known hoax a number of times as an example of virulent anti-Semitism. The problem is, the claims of a biased court half a century later in time and half a world away do NOT constitute proof of anything except wishful thinking; in the real world there is zero actual proof that the Protocols are a hoax. This is not to say they are genuine either; the point here is that the authors' eagerness to distance themselves from anti-Semitism leads them to use as proof a point with no foundation."
I think he means that the Protocols might be true because no one has convincingly proved them false. Now that's the kind of positive review Walt and Mearsheimer need.
Posted by: TDK | September 21, 2009 at 04:57 PM
PS: Your loony also gives Poly Toynbee a one star review, which raises them a notch in my estimation.
Meanwhile my loony gives a 5 star reviews to Truther books like "Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory" and Michael Meachers "The New Pearl Harbour". Plus to add icing, my man gives 5 stars to a New World Order warning and 5 stars to a book promoting B17 as the cure for cancer and a book claiming man has been around for tens of millions of years but the evidence is suppressed.
"You are David Icke and I claim my 5 pounds!"
Posted by: TDK | September 21, 2009 at 05:21 PM