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September 15, 2009



Amongst Amazon's 4 star reviews:

"SmokeNMirrors (London)
5 of 8 people found the following review helpful

The analysis is generally pro-"Establishment" and is therefore all the more damning because of that. The tone sometimes verges on the sycophantic as the authors seek to anticipate the usual hackneyed charges of anti-Semitism and head them off at the pass, and I disagree with many of the authors observations and assertions. As one example, they mention the Protocols of Zion and it's status as a well-known hoax a number of times as an example of virulent anti-Semitism. The problem is, the claims of a biased court half a century later in time and half a world away do NOT constitute proof of anything except wishful thinking; in the real world there is zero actual proof that the Protocols are a hoax. This is not to say they are genuine either; the point here is that the authors' eagerness to distance themselves from anti-Semitism leads them to use as proof a point with no foundation."

I think he means that the Protocols might be true because no one has convincingly proved them false. Now that's the kind of positive review Walt and Mearsheimer need.


PS: Your loony also gives Poly Toynbee a one star review, which raises them a notch in my estimation.

Meanwhile my loony gives a 5 star reviews to Truther books like "Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory" and Michael Meachers "The New Pearl Harbour". Plus to add icing, my man gives 5 stars to a New World Order warning and 5 stars to a book promoting B17 as the cure for cancer and a book claiming man has been around for tens of millions of years but the evidence is suppressed.

"You are David Icke and I claim my 5 pounds!"

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