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July 26, 2009



Gee, I wonder if the UNHR commission will convene a special session to commend these Jordanian measures as the creative thinking in the innovation and application of new concepts in Human Rights.


The Hashemites who run Jordan have always been worried about the Israelis pushing the Palestinians out of the West Bank into Jordan and saying "This is your Palestinian state - enjoy".

Not that the Israelis would actually do it, but it's the sort of thing the Jordanians would do, so it's always concerned them a bit, however irrationally.


"...but it's the sort of thing the Jordanians would do"

What is the next step after citizens are stripped of their citizenship?


I am from Jordan, and I tell you that all what you claim here in this article is nothing but bullsh*t, I never heard of these incidents you mentioned!! if you hear a story from WestBank Palestineans that doesnt mean that it is true!
on mentioning Palestineans in Jordan, official and nonoficial estimates put the Palestineans who have full citizenship at 37% of Jordans population, and these are loyal to Jordan more than to Palestine or to anywhere else. 14% are palestineans with Jordanian yellow cards, these are the WestBankers living in Jordan, they are not full citzens but have all the rights of citizens, but may be revoked citizenship anytime, and there are another 3% palestineans with Jordanian green cards, these cards grant them peremanent residency but still need an entry visa to the kingdom, and are not allowed to work in the kingdom, so the news that you copied from the Jerusalem Post is more of a funny joke than being a news. there always can be a fight in a soccer match whether in Jordan, or in Europe or even on Mars. represnts the city it is coming from, one of these teams: Alwihdat is from the Wihdat reugee camp,

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