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December 08, 2008



They should all go to Zimbabwe and remonstrate with Mugabe. That would be certain to finish him off.


Well, these are the same group of wisemen who told the world there is no genocide in Darfur. But Isreal's security fence is worse than apartheid, and like Rwanda. One wonders... Such soft language for Mugabe, like angels tiptoeing among the clouds. Such hateful resentment of the Jewish state. What to make of it?

BTW, isn't Kofi Anan a bit too young to be considered an elder?


I have just read an article in the London Review of books on Zimbawbe by an Asian writer who was thrown out of Uganda.

The words 'dictator', 'famine', 'Aids' or 'cholera' do not appear'.



Peter Harley

Carter was one of those responsible for seating Mugabe in power.No other comment on his place in history should be necessary.
I lived in Rhodesia prior to 1980 and I remember some visiting journalists from the UK expressing disgust at the concern of the White community in one instance,regarding standards of maintanance of the sewers and water supply under a future Black Government.This was held to be selfish and reprehensible when the Blacks by and large had no vote.Well today they have the cholera and still no vote.


"Carter was one of those responsible for seating Mugabe in power.No other comment on his place in history should be necessary."

Carter called the first election (undoubtedly a fair election) invalid because Mugabe chose not to run. The election was subsequently thrown out (Carter had a hand in that) and in the new election Mugabe used his usual tactics to win.

I'm always surprised by the position in history Carter is allowed to hold. Very few journalists hold his feet to the fire.

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