According to Pink News, Italy is ready to grant asylum to Iranian Pegah Emambakhsh:
A spokesperson for Italian government has confirmed that they will grant ayslum to a lesbian woman due to be deported from the UK to Iran.Pegah Emambakhsh is currently being detained by British officials and she is scheduled for repatriation on Tuesday.
Her sexual orientation and her past life in Iran may lead to her being executed.
Even if she is not sentenced to death, she is likely to be prosecuted and tortured by Iran's religious officials.
Maybe that will shame the Home Office into reconsidering.
If she were an Ayatollah running away from, say, one Shah of Iran, then it could have been different, of course.
Posted by: SnoopyTheGoon | August 25, 2007 at 03:00 PM
I believe that was France, Snoopy; but yeh. More to the point is/are the clerics preaching hatred and terrorist rhetoric that the Home Office can't or won't boot out.
Posted by: DaninVan | August 25, 2007 at 05:35 PM