Exciting news from the Korean Central News Agency: Volume 69 of the Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works has now been published (via).
The collection contains 55 works of President Kim Il Sung including his historic speeches, conclusions and talks between January and August, Juche 68 (1979).The works contain unique ideas, theories and policies he laid down for the victorious advance of the socialist cause on the basis of a profound insight into the requirements of the developing revolution.
Such works as "On Further Strengthening the Party Guidance to the Socialist Economic Construction" and "Let's Bring About a Fresh Turn in the Party Guidance to the Administrative and Economic Work" expound the idea of further increasing the militant functions and roles of the party organizations to bring about a great change in the party guidance to socialist construction.
Such works as "On Developing Transport Rapidly in Keeping with the Requirements of a Higher Stage of Socialist Economic Construction" and "On Putting Enterprise Management on a Regular Basis and Improving Labour Administration" deal with the tasks to be implemented to steadily round off the inter-sector structure of the economy and strengthen the country's economic independence so as to meet the lawful requirements of the socialist economic construction.
In his "On the Tasks Facing the Korean Scientists and Technicians in Japan for Developing Science and Technology in Our Country," "It Is Necessary to Intensify the Study of Methods of Cultivating Crops to Suit the Conditions of Alpine Areas" and other works the President indicated the orientation and ways of rapidly developing all fields of the socialist cultural construction including science and education. And in his "We Should Reunify the Country by the Concerted Efforts of Our Nation" and "Talks with the UN Secretary General and His Party" and other works he enunciated the idea of preventing the permanent division of the nation and achieving the country's reunification by the concerted efforts of the Koreans.
Perhaps somebody could be persuaded to put together a mass gymnastics program to celebrate this glorious event.
Posted by: Julien | May 24, 2007 at 03:54 PM