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December 27, 2006



Good stuff. Williams is such an idiot.

Francis Sedgemore

"Good stuff. Williams is such an idiot."

Williams is no idiot, but he is well out of his depth in the political arena when commenting on anything other than domestic social policy. Even there, I disagree with a lot of what he says, but at least he presents an intelligent challenge to policymakers who don't appear to understand the human consequences of their actions.

Rowan Williams is probably the best godbotherer-in-chief England has had for a very long time.


Okay, I'll settle for 'well out of his depth in the political arena when commenting on anything other than domestic social policy'.


"The genocide ... of Christians across the Muslim world".

I know the point he's making, but really the word "genocide" is just wrong there. A small point, I guess.

Mick H

In general yes, but then there's the Armenians.


"Williams is no idiot, but he is well out of his depth in the political arena"

Correct, but why? I suggest it is because "nice people don't do war", and he would rather be nice than a warrior. There are problems with that position. First: nice people can die just as easily as nasty people, especially at the hands of nasty people. Second: because nice people don't do war, they are utterly hopeless at understanding it - and we *are* in a war. Third: nice people seem quite unable to accept that some people genuinely are nasty, and do not have a nice side to appeal to. Islam has no such problems because, at least as far as infidels are concerned, it has no scruples.

"All warfare is based on deception" - Sun Tzu.


Someone involved a CofE Church local to me directed me to these people a few months back, makes interesting reading.


This is a obviously Christian organisation and is well-known amongst the CofE that has been around for quite a while (since 1993), so it seems incredible that the higher echelons like Williams are still incapable of pointing out the elephant in the room.

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